Mass Timber
Mass Timber



Mass Timber

Mass timber products are created by assembling smaller wood elements, like dimension lumber, veneers, or strands, and bonding them with adhesives, dowels, nails, or screws to form larger structural components. These robust building materials are versatile and can be utilized in numerous structural applications, including beams and columns, floor, roof, and wall panels, tall wall framing studs or roof rafters, door and window headers, and beyond.

A significant highlight of the conference is the growing recognition that mass timber serves as a cleaner, faster, and potentially more cost-effective alternative to traditional construction materials like steel and concrete.

In addition to promoting job creation and fostering economic growth, mass timber aligns with contemporary sustainability objectives by sequestering carbon over the duration of a building's life. Studies have demonstrated that mass timber can comply with stringent fire and structural regulations, showcasing remarkable resilience in practical applications.

Why Does Mass Timber Matter?

Mass timber can reduce the overall carbon footprint of a building project, support faster build times and create healthier indoor environments. Mass timber also allows us to offset the impacts of building by using more wood and managing our forests. This is especially important in western US forests to reduce catastrophic wildfire.

Chad Niman Forest Products Research Specialist, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources


Lighter than concrete buildings


Reduction in carbon emissions


Construct faster than concrete buildings

$3.56 B

Expected mass timber market size by 2030

Contact Information

Thomas Poe Cooper Building 730 Rose Street Lexington, KY 40546-0073